Good morning, It is just after 5:30 am on a wonderful sunny Saturday morning... well, the sun isn't up yet but I have faith that when it is it will be great.... I have a board meeting at my church at 9 am this morning so I figured I'd get a taste of how it is to get up and walk today..... Oh, Ya.... I go to church in Ingersoll and I live in Woodstock. The church is about 13 kms away, in a car, only a 12 min drive, walking it will be 2.5 to 3 hours, so I'd better get going. I will let you know how it goes later, have a great day!
I made it.... it took me 2 hours 35 minutes (exactly what Google maps said it would). It was a challenge, I learned a lot about needing good shoes for this, I also learned that walking on the gravel shoulder is much different than treadmills and cross trainers.
6 am is a wonderful time of day, thought I'd share some picutres that I took along the way. Oh ya, and when my meeting was over, I walked about 2 kms back towards woodstock, before Sandi (my wife) picked me up.... Enjoy the pics.

Morning Fog lifting about 7am

The sun comming up in the fog.

Long, early morning shadows....

My path took me through Beachville.... The sign gives away it's claim to fame.....