Friday, November 28, 2008

Test remote blog entry....

Guatemala is only 3 days away, I've go to go home and pack now... but before I leave, I heard that I can post straight to the blog from my email. I thought this would be helpful to keep you up to date on the trip, So consider this a test post.....

More Importantly......

I'd like to send our a particular thank-you out to Rebekah and Derek, (8 and 11 yrs old) They have graciously supplied me with some craft items to help at our kids camp in Guatemala and are committing to support and pray for these projects. Derek, Rebekah - I know God will work wonders through your prayers and efforts, far more than we can imagine, I'm excited about taking your letters and pictures with me. Thanks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.