Sunday, December 7, 2008

Back in Canada

This morning it was short sleeve shirts and shorts, if you wanted, and this evening it is THIS.......

The flights went well, AND.... all my luggage made it back to Canada!


Anonymous said...

welcome back!
Thanks for the updates
As I was looking at the pictures and praying this thought came to mind.....
"I will sing of your mercy which leads me through valleys of sorrow to rivers of joy"
I pray for OCEANS for these families.
God Bless


Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Dave! I can't wait to hear all about your trip. Now it is full steam ahead for the DISTRICT DASH! I am thinking and praying about ways that I can personally support this. I am getting really excited. You are working so hard for this - great job! The lives of many children and many families will be impacted forever by this event. Wow! Thanks for being obedient to the voice of God in this! - Beck