Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A video summary!

The Entire Week Summarized in 2 minutes and 45 seconds.... Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Reflections from Robert

After returning home from one of the most rewarding experiences of my life I
want to thank everyone who made it possible for me to have just a small part
in what took place over the past week in Guatemala. It truly will be a
memorable part of my life for ever. I want personally thank ED Nancy and Amy
Sider,Rudy and Sully Rojas and their team in Guatemala and Amber and of
course Dave for making it all happen for me. What I experienced has not only
been life changing for me but it was and answer to prayer. I will continue
to pray that hearts and souls of children will continue to be change as well
as families and communities. AS God continues to share his Love a broad as
he works through people around the world for his name sake. To God be the
Glory for the things He has done.

Serving Him Together

Robert Spencer

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Homeward bound

it was with great sadness that we left Guatemala yesterday! the week was amazing with for so many reasons.... we witnessed great things happening to empower people, hundreds were encouraged and inspired with hope, some very deep needs were met, some great relationships built and we all left with an anticipation of what tomorrow holds.

I'd like to thank everyone who partnered up with us to help this trip to happen, if you gave supplies, gave funding, sacrificed your time, encouraged us or prayed (and so much more...) Thank-you so much, I'm sure I will never be able to clearly describe what your sacrifice has resulted in.

Our travels home went, well????? they were interesting. Fog in Huston made immigration very long to get through, we finally did about 20 minutes before our flight. in that time we had to get our bags, recheck them, go back through security and make it to a different terminal (of course the last gate was the one we had to get too) Needless to say after, running, walking, hitching a ride on a golf cart and being creative to get through the medical issues line at security, we didn't make it in time. I arrived at the gate first to be told we could not get on the flight, only to have Robert arrive 3 minutes later on a golf cart and be able to get us on, of course by that time, I was running to the customer service desk, so I had to run back.... BUT... after all that we were on the plane ready to go... And...the Luggage made it. Landed in Detroit at 11, and by 330am had dropped Robert off in London and I was in Woodstock...

Not sure how much blogging will be happening in the next little while, but keep your eyes open for some ministry opportunities with our Brother and Sisters in Guatemala in 2010!

A video of the travels to New Rio Frio

Friday, December 11, 2009

4 Days Later!

4 days later and we are back in san cristobal. Our journeys this past 4 days took us to two villages. El Zappotillo and new rio frio (cold river).

We put on 4 days of bible club for the kids of the village. I did not count each one but there was certainly more than 100. In these the kids worked on crafts. Learned songs. Played games and had a lot of fun. Many of the kids hearing that they are Gods creation and about his love for them for the very first time.

We traveled to a new village called rio frio one day. This village is even more remote than El Zap and Very difficult to get to. Only 4 by 4's and even at that we weren’t sure we were going to make it. Once there we hosted a service that included robert singing. A Spanish movie about a criminal life transformed. And lots of songs and worship. The interesting part is that the people of El Zap sent missionaries with us to continue to build relationships and to reach out to them. On community member has offered a small plot of land to construct a pole barn that they would like to use as a church. Much has yet to be done to build the relationships and trust so this may be a reality some day. The hope is that we might be able to help the people of rio frio see the skills and talents and resources they have. And that they can put them to use for the betterment of there lives. Their families and there community. Perhaps some day more things will develop like sponsorship etc... But that will only be possible through relationship and trust.

Our journey back to el zap was just as terrifying as going there but in the pitch black of the deep jungle night. But we made it without incident.

Back in el zap the next day it was another bible club and a Christmas celebration service at night. Again robert blessed everyone in song and testimony. We had the Christmas story. A video of el zapotillo memories as well as fire works and food. The people of the el zap church worked all day and prepared a sandwich and hot chocolate for well over 250 people. Amazing considering how little they have!

On friday morning it was pack up and say goodbye.

The part of the trip that no one told we until it was too late was that I was to drive from Guatemala city to a town near el zap. 300 kms that takes about 7 hours. And you are sharing the road with some of the wildest truck drivers the world knows. While I was nervous at first. I just trust that God would take care of us and he did. All went well there and back.

A future project / need - to build bathrooms for the school!

Robert at the Christmas celebration in El Zap! not the two translators, from English to Spanish to Kechi!

Sports shirts from Ottawa to the soccer team in the El Zapotillo school... they loved them.

A meeting with all the sponsorship families of the community! what a blessing to hear from the families what it mean to them to have partners in canada and the usa.

packing up to head back from Rio Frio

Robert Singing at the service in Rio Frio

Victoriano - at his corn mill, a micro finance project that is paid off and is employing him and his family members and providing a great service to the community.

our accomodations for the 4 days, open air, even come complete with a Bat coming in to visit us!

leading the kids in song!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday - Wow!

Today was a day of prep for the days ahead. Two trucks packed with supplies went ahead to El Zapotillo and 4 of us follow tomorrow. The supplies were all the things needed for vacation bible school type meetings, large church services in both El Zap and Rio Frio villages, all the food etc... that is needed.

We also visited Antigua today, picked up supplies and products that are associated with Nationwares ( Click Here) I will let Nationwares tell its own story, but suffice to say it is mind blowing the impact that a good fair economy / trade and employment has on people. Empowering like you would not believe. Tonight a group of us just sat around and discussed all the things that were going on, how it all works and the potential to reach so many more lives. It was truly a awesome moment.

We also treated all the girls that live in the home here to Pizza tonight (we called it a Christmas celebration) it was great fun!

Over the next 4 days we will not have access to internet, so not much updating will be happening.

Thank-you EVERYONE for your support and prayers!


Robert in Antigua, with the Agua volcano in the background. hundreds of years ago when Antigua was the capital of Guatemala, the volcano crater was filled with water (due to years of rain) when the volcano erupted, the resulting mudslide wiped out the entire city. it was rebuilt and repopulated, but not without many scars,

In Antigua - again

one of the trucks packed and ready to go to El Zapotillo, only about 300 kms away, but the journey will take 6-7 hours. this is not cruise down the 401 hiway in Ontario.

Sully and Sponsorship Coordinator Gaby, going through and organizing all the things we brought down to Guatemala from those that sponsor children here in this country - THANK-YOU! it is a great encouragement to not only the children sponsored but also those in the country that make it happen, like our coordinators!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Grand Opening!

it was indescribable having the words spoken over the official register in dictating that the "Center in now officially Open" - I wept...

This was a powerful day! I guess the most powerful part was knowing that many things have happened over years and years that brought us to this moment... it is unthinkable how God can orchestrate just the right people, doing the right things to bring about amazing progress in his kingdom... Ed shared at the opening that God could have easily just breathed this place into existence but in stead he choose to use us! Amazing! I was also reminded today as to why this place is so important... Lake Amatitlan is not a place that many of us would choose as a home... unemployment is unbelievably high, crime, in all forms is outrageous and the things that young people are doing because Hope Love and Peace is not being spoken into their lives is tragic! In this place today, I saw children hearing how they, no matter what their exceptional need, are a prescious creation and that God has a plan, desire and passion for them, ALL!

We also were blessed by Robert bringing his message of hope in song! Powerful stuff, and there is a awe in the air as to what God is doing.

After the celebrations we were treated to some great food, and went off to the Lake Amatitlan Gondola, a steep ride up the face of one of the mountains beside Lake Amatitlan. the lake is under attack by polution and they are trying very hard to fight it off, but despite its struggles, it was an amazing site.

then some Pollo Campero Chicken on the way home and now it is unloading, reloading and chilling for the days ahead, we go to El Zappotillo on Tuesday morning so will not be blogging for that time, No electricity will do that some times...

Blessing to you all

Dave and everyone here in Guatemala

some pictures to enjoy

Robert Blessing everyone in song


Telling Robert the Story
Ribbon Cutting

The Center!

Ed signing the offical documents

Ed - Some inspiring comments and challenges

Robert "this day alone was worth the trip"

Thank EVERYONE for blessing others with all the things you sent along!

WE Have Arrived!

It is about 1am (Ontario time) and we are in Guatemala! the travels were good, no problems and ALL our luggage arrived this time! we met up with ED, Nancy and Amie in Huston unexpectedly and were on the same flight to Guatemala!

Yes all this luggage is just for 5 people.... the cool part is 90% of it is staying here to bless others!

Tomorrow is the GRAND Opening of the training center in Lake Amatitlan - Can't wait to report on that!

But first it is to bed - we are told there are now 5 roosters here at the home in San Cristobal where we are staying for the first couple of nights... should be an interesting morning!

Blessings and Good Night


Thanks Nate for the lift to the airport... hope you made it back over the boarder ok.

Friday, December 4, 2009

One more sleep!

Only one day left to leave to return to Guatemala! I'm very excited... I have spent the last number of evening packing the mountain of stuff that we are taking. Everything from clothing, a laptop and school supplies to funding to purchase things like chairs and tables. Thank-you everyone for partnering with us to make this happen. I know it is GREATLY appreciated by our fellow laborers in Guatemala!

I received this quote in my email in box this morning and thought I'd share it. it seems fitting....

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have
done for others and the world remains and is immortal.

Albert Pike
(1809-1891, American journalist, lawyer, and soldier))

ps. here is a video of Robert - Who will be sharing his musical ministry while in Guatemala and after he returns to Canada.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

One dollar at a time!

I'd like to introduce you to Derek and Rebekah...

They have spent hours putting together surprise envelopes that they are selling for a dollar, each with a prize and some random ones with, well, let's say bigger prizes. - How great is that!

This money is all going towards the training center in Guatemala!

Thanks Guys! You are amazing soldiers in this fight!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Guatemala Trip Dec - Update

Just a quick note of update!

While at first somewhat discouraged about the resources needed for this trip, turn out I should have not worried and just trusted all along - (Matt 6: 25 and following is a good reminder!)

suffice to say God is providing! and working through many!

thanks everyone, we have sports uniforms for the school in El Zapotillo - I think this is huge - These uniforms will help the School be a School, will aid in the learning and effectiveness of what is happening there... And with Education, something that is not a given in Guatemala, comes a hope for a better future, a better community.

We also have vitamins coming! - Lots of them - This too is a major step - The diet in the villages were we work is far from meeting the need. These vitamins will go a long way in building strong bodies and futures, not to mention sending the message of love, care and provision.

Also going to Guatemala with us are school supplies. Living in a dollar store world as we do, we take for granted the part a pencil, paper, a ruler etc... played in helping give us the opportunities we have enjoyed. By providing these supplies (and the center in which to teach!) you are speaking great HOPE into young lives!

Thanks Everyone.... Let's keep going!


Sunday, November 8, 2009


Can you believe it has been almost 6 months since the "Dash" – Amazing.... I think often of the walk and am continually amazed at what was accomplished! Thanks So much....

But... we did say that this was only the start, we knew that helping to build a community center was only the beginning.....

I'm glad to report that the Center is almost complete and will be celebrating a grand opening on Dec 6th... Better yet, I just booked my flight to join in in the celebration... but don't worry, it's no holiday, there is so much more work to be done.

For this trip I will be joined by a local singer who has agreed to help tell the stories of Child Sponsorship and all the other things that Christian Horizons is doing in Guatemala to preach the gospel of salvation and to help others rise above poverty, via his gift of music, I'm so excited! (Stay tuned for more info about that!)

During this trip we will also be doing some childrens meetings in the Villages of El Zapotillo and Rio Frio (cold river). And construction, well of course! we will be helping to put a washroom in the village for use at the local school. I know it will be an amazing time!

there are some things that are needed in order for this trip to have the most impact possible. I will list a few of those things below...

Pray! pray for partners to join in the cause, pray for resources to supply the need for the trip as well as the needs of those in Guatemala and Pray for individuals and families to join in supporting families in Guatemala via Sponsorship!

resources - we need donations for the flight and in country costs for our guest singer. This really is investment money rather than expenses. The investment is in the potential for hundreds to be introduces to sponsorship through his ministry! Needed is between 1000 and 1500 dollars

chairs; the community center needs chairs.... we are looking for 100 chairs to be sponsored at 8 dollars a chair.

Computers; we are hoping to take to Guatemala some used laptop computers! they will come in very handy for education and training, did you know that over 3 out of very 10 people over the age of 15 in Guatemala cant read or write?

Other items that will come in handy are craft and school supplies, vitamins and clothing!

Please pray about how it is you might be able to continue to support our brothers and sisters in Guatemala as they minister the gospel and help people that have Exceptional needs.

The trip that is coming up is December 5th to the 12th.

Thanks for your support!


A couple of pictures from September!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Guatemala Update!

Update on Guatemala

The resources keep coming in…..

This is so exciting… about 70 thousand dollars was pledged and raised during the dash and events leading up to it. And over 85% of that has already come in.

This is particularly exciting as these funds will now be used in the projects in Guatemala and Ecuador as well as be available to provide respite to families right here in Ontario. Over 26 thousand dollars of the 60 thousand brought in so far has been specically given to provide respite to families in our own communities. Think of this… If these funds provided a summer time break at camp, they could potentially touch over 30 families. Fantastic!

Guatemala…. You may recall that a CH team went to Guatemala in March to start the construction of the education / training center project. I am please to include some updated pictures I just received this week on the project…. Things are moving right along. I know Rudy, Sully and everyone in Guatemala is eager to begin the programs that will flow from this location. (like literacy training in partnership with the bible leaguer of Canada)

Enjoy the Pictures!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Lesson #2

Life is Short!

Last year, on my way to the hospital with chest pain, the catalyst that got this walk idea moving in my head, was a traumatic event. I thought, this is it.... Game over.... Hind sight is great, Praise the Lord it was not the Heart Attack I thought it was, But it could have been.

Today's news of three teens walking along side of the road only to be hit from behind and killed by some driver (I think Alcohol was involved) Is a stark reminder of just how short (even to an "unfair" level) life can be. it was also a bit of a reality check after having walked for 12 days along Ontario's roads, We did have 3 close calls along the walk of drivers passing and coming painfully close to us.

I guess the lesson really is, make the most of every day, every choice and every relationship!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A year long journey, I think I've learned a few things!

Perhaps this is a bit of therapy for me, but if you know the story of the DASH, you know that this was a year long journey of discovery for me to not only prepare physically for the 325 km walk, but a journey of learning a lot about life and myself. I simply want to share that with you, perhaps it resonates with you as well.

Lesson number 1

After the first Gallbladder attack (April 2008), I learned "you are what you eat" my state of being was a clear reflection of the choices I had made and have made for years about my eating. The saying started in the 1800s when a psychologist wrote - tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are.... Powerful words, equally powerful are the words of the great philosopher, Bob Hartman of the group his song, Computer Brains...... put garbage in, get garbage out!

a couple of weeks past the finish line

Several weeks have passed since the finish line. Believe it or not the feet are still sore at times, my one ankle (right) gives me problems, but on the walk I was reminded that years earlier I had broken that ankle, so I guess it stands to reason it didn't like a 325k walk.

I received this quote today in my email. Thought I would share it with you....

Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets
upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really
commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into.

Brian Tracy

WE set a goal and we did it! I still can't believe what was accomplished by the walk! it truly is amazing. but one thing learned is that there is always another goal to set. I have found it very important for my physical life to set a new goal, so that old ways do not come creeping back. So... I got my bike fixed and have started to add that to my gym workouts as well... but apart from that we need to continue to set goals as to how it is we are going to impact our world? I can't wait to see where the future takes us on that!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Office Foot Bath!

They are treating me very well back at the office!

Finish Line, YouTube and My Office!

The day started bright and early, 5:30 am - to the gym, the legs are still sore but I got to keep going, or old habits will start to set in before I know it!

Yes, it is hard to get back into routine, It really is hard to describe the feelings after this walk.

Rudy, Sully; I trust your travels back to Guatemala went well, Thank-you so much for your support, love and encouragment. You are doing an amazing job in your country and it is a pleasure to be a part of these efforts to support you! God Bless your ministry and all those who minister along side you!

This is what my office looked like coming in this morning! Thanks Everyone! This was special!
I didn't coun't them but I understood there was one for every KM walked!

This is what it looked like after the door was opened!

And the Finish Line is now on You Tube! (Thanks Bill)

Or Click Here to view

Sunday, May 31, 2009

THE Finish Line!!!!! 3:20 PM - Windsor, ON

Almost there!

The Finish Line!

325+ kms DONE! it feels really strange this morning thinking that I'm in Windsor and arrived by foot! I know many have done greater physical feats than this, but for me this was an Everest kind of task! And I know I can say the same for Amber!

There is kind of a mourning going on in us right now, it is hard to explain. This whole year of preparation and now the walking part is done.

Thank-you EVERYONE who sponsored this event, who participated in it, who shared the vision, who walked with us, who drove with us, who organized details, who shared it with others. Together we have raised an enormous amount of money for some great projects.

But more than that I believe we have encouraged our brothers and sisters who are ministering in some very difficult places and in very difficult situations.

We have raised awareness of the need that is before us for those who are marginalized because of their unique and exceptional needs.

We have inspired each other to be bold when responding to God's call on our lives.

We have show each other that it is never too late to get healthy and that that is a daily choice.

We have proved that we can do things we once thought impossible!

And we have proven that through SYNERGY - we really do accomplish more as a team than separate individuals.

I have had many many people ask about the next goal, next year, am I doing this again? I really don't know the answer to those questions. What I do know is -

* we need to keep walking every day, continue to live a life of sacrifice for others, continue to give of our hearts and our resources to those who so desperately need us as partners with them as they press on in life.

* I know that what ever we choose to do in the future to raise awareness and funds, I will be there! ( and I know I can say that for Amber and a lot of other people as well) As Amber put it so well on this journey. " this has been an 11 day party!" Yes, This was physically exhausting and has taken its toll on our bodies, but this was also FUN! A lot of FUN! just ask anyone who walked with, drove with, provided lunch Etc....

* I also know that the daily choices must keep on going. Just because the walk is technically done, does not mean the daily choice to do the right thing has stopped. It hasn't for you either! that must go on as well, I will continue to need to choose wisely each morning to get up, be active, eat right! I just am not able to tell myself that it's training for this crazy walk any more, I will have to find another way to help with that. Perhaps a goal of climbing a Volcano in Guatemala? - I will have to talk to my wife about that.

Rudy and Sully and my family!

Amber and Kaitlyn (my daughter) Great Shot!

Saying some final thank-you and sharing some thoughts at the finish line!

And finally - To Amber: I can't really describe how great it was to do this walk with you. I so appreciated getting to know you better with each step. Thank-you for responding to Gods Call, not just in this walk, but everyday! You truly are an amazing person! thank-you for your sacrifice, your vacation time, your money, Your feet (see blister pics in previous posts), your time with family... All of it! You are a true blessing! And yes this really was an 11 day Party!

+ It is never too late to support these great projects in Ontario, Guatemala and Ecuador!

Please continue to support at

A quote to reflect on

I guess that one of the most important things I've learned is
that nothing is ever completely bad. Even cancer. It has made me a better
person. It has given me courage and a sense of purpose I never had before.
But you don't have to do like I did...wait until you lose a leg or get
some awful disease, before you take the time to find out what kind of
stuff you're really made of. You can start now. Anybody can.

Terry Fox
(1958-1981, Canadian man (with an artificial right leg) who ran across Canada to raise money for cancer research in a journey called "Marathon of Hope"