Monday, January 5, 2009

Action and Happiness

Got in this morning from a few days away for the holidays, started up the computer and found this quote in my In box.

"Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action." Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881, British Statesman, Prime Minister)

It is particularly relevant this morning as I am in pain, I decided to up the workouts a bit this weekend and this morning, More Intense, More weight, Endure longer... After all it is only 132 Days to the DASH and I have a long way to go yet! Thus the Pain, stiffness and, well, Lack of "happiness". While I didn't expect my action to bring happiness, I know that action is required to reach the goals ahead....

Have a great day everyone and a Happy New Year!

On another note: my one and only pair of runners finally gave out over the holidays, they served me well, but have now been replace. I'm still breaking in the new ones, I'll keep you posted on whether my decision was a good one or not.

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