Saturday, February 7, 2009

Being HIS hands and feet !

Hi All.... I want to take a moment and introduce you to Nina.

Nina, Along with many others, are becoming the army behind this DASH! READ her story, perhaps it reflects your own, or will encourage you as it has me

Thank Nina for sharing!



Most certainly I tell you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.

This verse has stuck with me all throughout my life, and it feels like now is the time and here is the place to explain why that is and how I came to be so passionate about the Dash. It all started aprox 10 years ago, I found myself in the middle of a concert with Mercy Me and the Newsboys…tears streaming down my face my hands raised high in the air dedicating myself to a mission. WOH hang on a second… a mission? Are you crazy...How are you going to do that? Where are you going to go... and most importantly When do you think your going to have the time to do this... These were some of the questions waiting for me when I returned home from that concert and I decided that I had jumped the gun. Everyone was right I didn’t have the time or the resources to dedicate myself to a mission in another country….. Maybe what I thought to be Gods voice calling me out to do a mission was just in fact a rush of emotions and that I wasn’t ready to do something so huge… and that was it…. I forgot about it…. Never thought about it after that….. Until May of 2008 at the Connections meeting, funny how God has a way of bringing things back around to us full circle. I was sitting in the connections meeting when Dave presented his idea of the Dash, I remember it as clear as day, a couple of claps a couple of giggles over the funny picture of the cartoon on the screen in jogging pants and a sweat band…. But there was something there for me…. Something that I wanted to reach out and touch and I realized in that moment that it was God bringing me back to where he started me 10 years ago at that concert. Back then I didn’t have the life experience or the resources or the dedication to commit myself in any way towards the life of people in another country… but that day… at that meeting…. It was all laid right out in front of me and I made a commitment to myself and to the Dash and essentially to the people living in the one bedroom hut on the screen in front of me that I was going to do something about it this time. I began to pray about what God was doing in these countries and in the lives of the people that we support here in Ontario and I asked him to show me where and what he wanted me to do. It was a little frustrating at first I will admit. I have two boys aged 4 and 2 and, I prayed to God many times and made it very clear that I was not thrilled about hopping into a plane and heading to a different country and that is when I realized that I don’t have to…..I don’t have to travel anywhere…I don’t have to have hundreds of thousands of dollars to donate…..I don’t have to organize huge fundraisers and beg people to be involved….All I have to do is be WILLING and to pray, pray and trust that God will use me in whatever way he sees fit and be okay with whatever he brings my way. As I was reviewing our finances just recently on the computer (thank goodness for modern technology!) The numbers jumped right off the screen at me….. For the amount of money my husband and I are spending in Tim Horton’s coffee every month we realized that there would be more than enough to sponsor a child.

I had coffee with Dave recently and he challenged me and encouraged me to continue to think of ways that I could make a difference, The more I thought about our conversation the more excited I became about the different ways I could get involved when another thought struck me….. Every month we participate in aprox 3 hours of staff meetings at the programs we work in…… What if we sacrificed those 3 hours of LT and got paid out in relief and in turn took that money and put it back into CH Global…. We would essentially be giving up 3 hours out of our lives once a month….to buy a child school supplies….bandage an open wound….help to build a home......

It’s not an easy decision to get involved, with every comment on the blog; with every dedication to help out comes an expectation to follow through this time and it is a scary commitment but God promises me that he will provide. He not only provides me with help in my finances but also provides me with time, and compassion, and patience, and grace…. and most importantly he has provided these individuals in these countries, people to help them and pray for them and help make life a little more bearable…. he provided them with US with me and with you….and it’s up to us from there, to do the work that he has set out for us to do, to be his hands and feet extended. God bless you as you serve in whatever capacity he has enabled for you.

Nina Malcolm

Serving in Chatham, ON

Ps. Here's a suggested video to put it into perspective and inspire. Enjoy!

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