Sunday, December 6, 2009

WE Have Arrived!

It is about 1am (Ontario time) and we are in Guatemala! the travels were good, no problems and ALL our luggage arrived this time! we met up with ED, Nancy and Amie in Huston unexpectedly and were on the same flight to Guatemala!

Yes all this luggage is just for 5 people.... the cool part is 90% of it is staying here to bless others!

Tomorrow is the GRAND Opening of the training center in Lake Amatitlan - Can't wait to report on that!

But first it is to bed - we are told there are now 5 roosters here at the home in San Cristobal where we are staying for the first couple of nights... should be an interesting morning!

Blessings and Good Night


Thanks Nate for the lift to the airport... hope you made it back over the boarder ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see my suitcase in that picture :) Glad your travels went well, we will be praying for you guys. Please give Rudy & Sully and the girls at the house BIG hugs for me! Be blessed this week...
Christine and Devon