Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bus Drivers and Walls !


Let’s say you live in Toronto – How safe would you feel? Or what would it say about your community if 170 bus drivers this year alone were killed by gun men because they would not pay extortion money to gangs that took up 80 to over 100 percent of their already meager income.

Read the news article linked here from the Associated Press.


it’s an eye opener!

Why mention this?

It’s simple….. one life at a time, one story at a time we are touching lives by instilling value and worth through Education, Employment, Business opportunities, and of course the over all message of Love and Purpose through the Gospel! That’s why we support a Center in Lake Amatitlan, to give opportunity and allow people to reach their potential. If not, belonging and worth will not doubt be found in gangs and violence.

Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters serving in Guatemala.

Below you will find a picture of some work happening (this week) on the walls around the home we support in Guatemala City (San Christobal), reinforcing walls and enhancing security. Something we spend little of our time thinking about.

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