Sunday, October 2, 2011


The Journey Continues.......

This blog will continue to track events and supports in Guatemala and Surrounding area at

Please visit us there.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Nicaragua / Ottawa Update

On March 8, 2011 it was a normal school day for the children at Mountshannon School Age Program. Children arrived at the childcare centre between 7 am and 9 am, ate snack, mingled with their pals, and worked on their organized activities before getting ready to go to school. But it quickly became a very interesting day when an 8 year old girl came in and began explaining what her Mom ‘does’ at her work. The children sat for group time and Samantha Monforton began explaining that her mom works to help peoples living conditions here in Ontario and all around the world! She went on to explain about the severe  living conditions of various communities abroad and she was passionate about the possibility of helping to change someone’s life! Sam wanted to do some fundraising to build one family a home and purchase a wheelchair for a needy child.

 All the children in the program became very enthusiastic with the idea and began writing up their ideas of how they would like to fundraise for this event! The fundraised goal was $850.00.  The supervisor of the program, Tina McLean, helped to guide them and organize the most appropriate events. The projects began with a 50/50 draw which raised $50.00  in March, 2011. The children were responsible for giving out the tickets, writing the names and collecting the money. On April 21st, event # 2 was an Easter Egg hunt to find one egg that contained a red jelly bean which represented $20.00! The cost was $2.00 to play. This raised $50.00. As each event took place the children coloured in a 7ft house that was marked with $0 to $850.00. During the March Break the children competed in a Drawing contest in age categories. They chose their best art work and sent it off to one of our sister centres, Elmridge School Age Program in Orleans. The children then chose their favorite piece, wrote out what they liked about it and sent them back to Mountshannon. Although these activities seemed to generate only small amounts the fun was just beginning! On May 17, and 18 we organized a bake sale in the child care centre and in the St.Luke staff room. The parents contribution was overwhelming! The total raised was $424.75! Finally on June 3rd, we had a PD Fitness Fun Day! The children were given pledge forms, and pledged to do fitness activities all day! Activities included, obstacle courses, basketball competition, skipping challenge, soccer,  relay races, Pilates and Good Life Fitness Personal trainers came in to end our day with some fun body exercises! With this great end to our fundraising we are so proud to announce that we raised $1700.00! This experience has allowed for our children to feel empowered to know that they can change someones life even across the globe.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

It Only Takes A Spark!

You know how that song goes…..

“It only takes a spark to get a fire going,
And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing……”

Well, let me introduce you to a ‘spark’……

Samantha (on Left)
This is Samantha.  Samantha goes to the Mountshannon School Age Program, a daycare in the Ottawa area.  Samantha has become a spark in her school.  Through her mom she has got to know the great things that CHGlobal is doing in Central America and she has become passionate about reaching out to those in need in Nicaragua.  Specifically to build a home for someone with special needs and to provide a wheelchair.

Samantha has rallied all her school mates (and their families) together to join the cause. Everyone has got on board and sees the great opportunity they have to touch lives in communities much less fortunate than theirs.  To date they have raise about 200 dollars of their $950 goal ($700 for material to build a home for someone in need and 150 for a wheelchair).

Samantha's Daycare
Last weekend they held a fundraising Easter egg hunts, May is a bake sale and in June it’s a FUN STATION DAY!

Samantha – Thanks for being the SPARK that lights the fire so others can warm up  by the fire!

A typical home in the community we work in in Nicarugua

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Building a house through profit Diversion!

Profit Diversion?  Great term... What is it.....

Taking what I would have paid some business for work and instead divert that to another cause...
That's what we did this weekend with a Bathroom Demolition.

Many THANKS to the ARMY of VOLUNTEERS that dedicated their SATURDAY to help out.  We not only demolished a bedroom and bathroom, we also built a house in GUATEMALA with the funds (the house will be built in Nov 2011 when the next team goes down from Ont)

Enjoy some pics

Why the bathroom needed to be renovated - damage from a roof leak a few years back

What kind of crazy plumbing is this?

Hauling it away one trailer at a time.

Before the reno started Sandi let the daycare kids have some fun on the walls.

Everyone was working hard

Camera Shy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Express yourself!!!!

Planning to support our Guatemalan partners in 2011 is underway.

We have developed an opportunity to collect up information from people who would like to join the journey.

Available is an "expression of interest" form.  If interested, please contact us and get a from, it will help us match up interest, skills and passion with the CH Global projects and opportunities that are being planned.

please contact:  David Petkau :



Friday, November 26, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

Today was our last full day of being here in Guatemala. The morning started again at Vilma and Antonio’s home where we finished nailing in the last remaining boards of their new “Casa” (house). During construction, a couple of our team members were able to sit down with Vilma and Gaby (our interpreter). Vilma shared with sadness and tears, the loss of two of her children (one at 4 years old from a brain tumor and the other at 16 from murder). She continued to tell us about her home being destroyed by the flood and hopelessness she felt. The tone quickly changed when we asked Vilma about the impact that NationWares and CH Global has had on her and her families lives. Vilma praises God for the challenges they have faced because they know God is faithful. They now have hope because of the opportunities that come from employment through NationWares and the security of having a safe home to raise their family.

After completion, we had the family gather in front of their place as Rudy hoped into his mini van (aka bus). We all began shouting “BUS DRIVER…MOVE THAT BUS!!!” Rudy’s old van squeaked forward, revealing the CH Global style Extreme Makeover!

Next we had the privilege of presenting each member of their family with gifts from a host of supporters from Canada. They received backpacks, blankets, school and personal supplies, toys, clothing, shoes, and food. They were overwhelmed with joy and it was such an excitement to watch them un-wrap their new belongings. Through tears, Antonio shared how much his new home and these gifts meant to him and his family. He praised God for a dream come true and asked us to continue to serve others in the same way.

The home was dedicated to their youngest daughter Ashley. “Ashley Home” was inscribed by the front door and signed underneath by each member of the Canadian team. When we all prayed together, both Antonio and Pastor asked that God would bless our team. Little did they know, God has already blessed us beyond measure by giving us this opportunity.

The afternoon saw the wrap up of the children’s program at the training center in LakeAmatitlan. Today we greeted sixty one kids who took part in learning English, completing a craft and hearing God’s message. Imagine hearing the voices of sixty one Spanish speaking children sing “My God is so Big” in English and to know they understood the meaning of the words they sang…no matter what hardships they face in Lake Amatitlan, their God is strong and mighty and that there is nothing their God cannot do.

While this is likely the end of our mission trip blogging, we know it is by no means the end of the mission. Thank you to all for your prayers and your support…we look forward to seeing what God has in store for our brothers and sisters in Guatemala.

Stay tuned…

The Last Wall!

Ashley Home - Finished!

Blessing Vilma, Antonio and Family!

"Ashley Home"

Can I take this one home with me?

VBS - Last day, Group shot.

Guatemala Extreme Makeover!
"Move That Bus!!!!!"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Miracles in Guatemala!

We knew what the plan was for this trip and we were well prepared. But, there is just some things that you can probably never prepare for……in addition to our schedule of house building, which is going very well (more on that later) and the children’s program (same…. Later…) we had opportunity to visit the Pastor that is working with us on Vilma and Antonio’s home. I think we thought, great we get to see a bit more of Lake Amatitlan life as it really is, but I don’t think we really knew what that meant. First the journey further up the mountain side took us past huge earth trenches, the scars left by the storm that took out Vilma’s home and the homes of about 50 others. Large piles of earth remain that has been pushed to the side or just left as is. This picture is of a traditional kitchen sink, left where it was, and now it is buried, obviously someone’s home before the storm.

On the walk up the mountain, we learned more about the flood waters that came rushing down the mountain. These waters gave vilma only moments to escape, in fact she didn’t. Neighbors were able to rush in and get Ashley out (daughter who is disabled) but Vilma was caught up on the mud and was rescued later by the emergency crews. In that moment they lost everything!

Once at Pastors house we met his wife and one son. This son has significant disabilities himself, and but nothing compared to what was. Pastor tells of the miracles that have happened in his son’s life, to allow him to walk, see and LIVE! God is at work in Lake Amatitlan, pastor told of many other miracles happening in his community.

Once at Pastors house we were joined by a few more people. We quickly learned that one was Yolanda, an older woman that was clearly struggling physically. A large tumor was growing on her neck and she is in the later stages of lung cancer, she coughed with every breath and winced in pain. Yet in her pain she was excited to see us…. She had been praying with others in the morning and God told her that Angles would arrive to bless her and pray for her. To Yolanda and to the God that sent us, we were those angels, a very humbling thought. We prayed for Yolanda’s healing, we cried together and in our discussion we pressed into God’s kingdom deeper and deeper reflecting on how we would be together in heaven with out a language to separate us. Yolanda thanked us and said (translated) “I know I will die, I ask that you keep doing God’s work with your hands, like you are doing in building Vilma a house”

From there we retuned to Vilma’s and continued construction. Today the outside walls were finished and the roof was started. Antonio started to lay the concrete floor in one room.

Then in the afternoon it was the kids program. We taught English, we played games and did crafts. The numbers grew to 59 today! And each day we feel like we are getting to know the kids more, their community more and their potential more.

Tonight we pack some love gifts we plan to give to Vilma and her family as well as the Pastor and his family, as tomorrow is our last full day here in Guatemala. While we do that the girls here at the home are busy with the food stand that sells traditional Guatemalan drinks and food, all made here during the day and sold in the evening. This business has been running for less than a month and is starting to turn a profit, both in money and in the skills and future it offers the ladies.

Good night – Dave

Construction at the end of the day

Bracelets with the kids today

A reminder of the two very different worlds we live in
Yolanda " continue God's work with your hands"

Yolanda (left )and Vilma

Praying for Yolanda

Pastor, his wife and son, hearing their story.

At our feet - the top of what was a Guatemalan sink and someone's home. filled in now with the earth that ran down the mountain.

This is where the water rushed through the town. Destroying many homes. Pastor told of the flood waters rushing past the front of the church and behind the church, but the church was untouched.

The emergency shelters that families are living in since their homes were destroyed.

Almost 4 walls up!!!!! Day 5

Day 5 started with helping to build Vilma and her family’s home. There was lots of action going on around the house. There were more supplies to be purchased and lots of little hands waiting and hoping to help as well. Vilma’s children are so proud to be a part of building their new home. Even though since the hurricane and volcano eruption, this family’s faith has remained strong and steady. Before the work began we all took some time to reflect and thank God for all the blessings that are going on here and all over the world. We all feel this is the Guatemala version of “Extreme Home Makeover”. Each person’s contribution is so vital to the completing the project on time. The family’s Pastor has been there everyday helping to build along with everyone. He has been such an encouragement to the family and the team. He too knows what it is like to live through hard times and depend on God for everything each day. With the work that was completed today we are on track for completing the project on time before we all have to say goodbye.

For the third day of VBS we had 55 children arrive eager to participate in the songs, crafts and English teachings! Our true desire is to see each one come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. The children were eager to learn the words to Jesus Loves Me in English, and doing the actions to the song seemed to enhance their ability to understand the words that they were singing!!

The relationship that we are building through God with these children and their families is something that will change all of our lives forever.

Darlene & Brenda

how the day started
how the day ended - PROGRESS!

Asheley and a brother


Monday, November 22, 2010

BendiciĆ³n de Dios (God's blessings)

Today we made our first trip into Lake Amatitlan to Vilma and Antonio’s home, along with their six children. Their home was destroyed by a combination of the hurricane and the erupting volcano…we were told this story by William, the oldest son. He told us about how the waters came down and washed out his home and all their belongings. Amongst all this devastation, the family remained so joyful and thankful for each other and Christian Horizon’s help. Each and every one of them were such a blessing to our team-reminding us how much we have and how little we actually need.

By the end of the morning, we put up the first two walls. The brick foundation was laid prior to our arrival-preventing such destruction from occurring again. Us girls were so proud of ourselves…we have mastered the skill of the hammer! Dave managed to not make fun of us, while instructing us how to use the tools. Rudy announced at the beginning of the day that this was “Guatemala’s version of Extreme Makeover!”

Today we were able to meet and hold Vilma’s youngest daughter, Ashley. She is severely disabled; deaf, blind and unable to walk. She also suffers from seizures-we witnessed many throughout the day. Our hearts broke for her, but she is so blessed and surrounded by a family that clearly loves and adores her.

The afternoon brought our second day of VBS. We were told that a bus would arrive full of twenty children. To our surprise, a small truck with the kids packed into the back of the pick up arrived! We sang songs, did crafts, played games and taught the children English words and colours. The message today from Ephesians 6:16 was on “the shield of faith”. Slowly our Spanish is improving and we are able to communicate with the children…. “Hasta Manana” (until tomorrow!)


The very start of Vilma and Antonio's home

Craft time at VBS

God's greatest blessing

"The Power of One"

This is what fell from the sky after the volcano erupted

Michelle and Ashely

Dave giving Carrie a few pointers on using a hammer