Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Miracles in Guatemala!

We knew what the plan was for this trip and we were well prepared. But, there is just some things that you can probably never prepare for……in addition to our schedule of house building, which is going very well (more on that later) and the children’s program (same…. Later…) we had opportunity to visit the Pastor that is working with us on Vilma and Antonio’s home. I think we thought, great we get to see a bit more of Lake Amatitlan life as it really is, but I don’t think we really knew what that meant. First the journey further up the mountain side took us past huge earth trenches, the scars left by the storm that took out Vilma’s home and the homes of about 50 others. Large piles of earth remain that has been pushed to the side or just left as is. This picture is of a traditional kitchen sink, left where it was, and now it is buried, obviously someone’s home before the storm.

On the walk up the mountain, we learned more about the flood waters that came rushing down the mountain. These waters gave vilma only moments to escape, in fact she didn’t. Neighbors were able to rush in and get Ashley out (daughter who is disabled) but Vilma was caught up on the mud and was rescued later by the emergency crews. In that moment they lost everything!

Once at Pastors house we met his wife and one son. This son has significant disabilities himself, and but nothing compared to what was. Pastor tells of the miracles that have happened in his son’s life, to allow him to walk, see and LIVE! God is at work in Lake Amatitlan, pastor told of many other miracles happening in his community.

Once at Pastors house we were joined by a few more people. We quickly learned that one was Yolanda, an older woman that was clearly struggling physically. A large tumor was growing on her neck and she is in the later stages of lung cancer, she coughed with every breath and winced in pain. Yet in her pain she was excited to see us…. She had been praying with others in the morning and God told her that Angles would arrive to bless her and pray for her. To Yolanda and to the God that sent us, we were those angels, a very humbling thought. We prayed for Yolanda’s healing, we cried together and in our discussion we pressed into God’s kingdom deeper and deeper reflecting on how we would be together in heaven with out a language to separate us. Yolanda thanked us and said (translated) “I know I will die, I ask that you keep doing God’s work with your hands, like you are doing in building Vilma a house”

From there we retuned to Vilma’s and continued construction. Today the outside walls were finished and the roof was started. Antonio started to lay the concrete floor in one room.

Then in the afternoon it was the kids program. We taught English, we played games and did crafts. The numbers grew to 59 today! And each day we feel like we are getting to know the kids more, their community more and their potential more.

Tonight we pack some love gifts we plan to give to Vilma and her family as well as the Pastor and his family, as tomorrow is our last full day here in Guatemala. While we do that the girls here at the home are busy with the food stand that sells traditional Guatemalan drinks and food, all made here during the day and sold in the evening. This business has been running for less than a month and is starting to turn a profit, both in money and in the skills and future it offers the ladies.

Good night – Dave

Construction at the end of the day

Bracelets with the kids today

A reminder of the two very different worlds we live in
Yolanda " continue God's work with your hands"

Yolanda (left )and Vilma

Praying for Yolanda

Pastor, his wife and son, hearing their story.

At our feet - the top of what was a Guatemalan sink and someone's home. filled in now with the earth that ran down the mountain.

This is where the water rushed through the town. Destroying many homes. Pastor told of the flood waters rushing past the front of the church and behind the church, but the church was untouched.

The emergency shelters that families are living in since their homes were destroyed.


Anita said...

Dave and Team,
Thank you for sharing your amazing accomplishments each day. It's wonderful to see the Lord's work being accomplished in and through you. May you blessed abundantly as you bless others with the love of Christ! Praying you'll have the energy you need to journey through the remaining days!

Nina said...

I was just reminded as I read this particular blog today of how much we truly do take for granted...and yes...what different worlds we live in. My mom and dad just lost their house in October to a fire...they lost everything and have had to start all over was tough to go through that and hard to handle....but truly they do not know pain like these people know mom and dad have insurance...and although it's uncomfortable for the moment they will have again what they once had....more than these people can say for their humble homes lost in the fury of mother nature.
Thanks for bringing things back down to earth.
Can't wait to hear all the stories.
Praying for a safe trip home