Friday, November 26, 2010

Mission Accomplished!

Today was our last full day of being here in Guatemala. The morning started again at Vilma and Antonio’s home where we finished nailing in the last remaining boards of their new “Casa” (house). During construction, a couple of our team members were able to sit down with Vilma and Gaby (our interpreter). Vilma shared with sadness and tears, the loss of two of her children (one at 4 years old from a brain tumor and the other at 16 from murder). She continued to tell us about her home being destroyed by the flood and hopelessness she felt. The tone quickly changed when we asked Vilma about the impact that NationWares and CH Global has had on her and her families lives. Vilma praises God for the challenges they have faced because they know God is faithful. They now have hope because of the opportunities that come from employment through NationWares and the security of having a safe home to raise their family.

After completion, we had the family gather in front of their place as Rudy hoped into his mini van (aka bus). We all began shouting “BUS DRIVER…MOVE THAT BUS!!!” Rudy’s old van squeaked forward, revealing the CH Global style Extreme Makeover!

Next we had the privilege of presenting each member of their family with gifts from a host of supporters from Canada. They received backpacks, blankets, school and personal supplies, toys, clothing, shoes, and food. They were overwhelmed with joy and it was such an excitement to watch them un-wrap their new belongings. Through tears, Antonio shared how much his new home and these gifts meant to him and his family. He praised God for a dream come true and asked us to continue to serve others in the same way.

The home was dedicated to their youngest daughter Ashley. “Ashley Home” was inscribed by the front door and signed underneath by each member of the Canadian team. When we all prayed together, both Antonio and Pastor asked that God would bless our team. Little did they know, God has already blessed us beyond measure by giving us this opportunity.

The afternoon saw the wrap up of the children’s program at the training center in LakeAmatitlan. Today we greeted sixty one kids who took part in learning English, completing a craft and hearing God’s message. Imagine hearing the voices of sixty one Spanish speaking children sing “My God is so Big” in English and to know they understood the meaning of the words they sang…no matter what hardships they face in Lake Amatitlan, their God is strong and mighty and that there is nothing their God cannot do.

While this is likely the end of our mission trip blogging, we know it is by no means the end of the mission. Thank you to all for your prayers and your support…we look forward to seeing what God has in store for our brothers and sisters in Guatemala.

Stay tuned…

The Last Wall!

Ashley Home - Finished!

Blessing Vilma, Antonio and Family!

"Ashley Home"

Can I take this one home with me?

VBS - Last day, Group shot.

Guatemala Extreme Makeover!
"Move That Bus!!!!!"

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