Sunday, July 6, 2008

Marathon Running

Doesn't this title just grab your attention! Yes, i have progressed into my training for this fund raising walk significantly! - Into marathon running..... Well... let me explain... My family and I are currently in Montreal, visiting family as part of a 2 week vacation..... in the absence of my regular routine, or at least the routine I have been in for the past 2 months, no gym etc... I have decided to try and jog (aka marathon run) I ran yesterday and today. I like to call it a 1/20th Marathon... yes, it was only 2.5 KMS and it took me forever, but i did it!!!!. I am also convinced that if you would have seen me do it you would have said to yourself... "look at that poor old guy running, something look wrong with him!, maybe we should offer him a ride" My running was not exactly a smooth and polished Olympic style stride , it was short strides, very labored, and very awkward .... but I'm convicned I'll get better and it will all aid in the goal of being able to complete the 325km walk in May 2009 (see previous posts for more info)

ps. factoid: I have never, ever, jogged before in my ENTIRE life! and yes, I am currently in a significant level of pain..... this too shall pass.....

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