Sunday, May 3, 2009

Respite - One of the reasons to Walk !

Aylmer Respite Supports Dave’s District Dash

When we passed on the word that Dave’s Dash would take a brief break in Aylmer, the supporting committee was excited that such a new program could be part of this large fundraising event. Our good friend Nancy Dueck has committed to raising a large amount of funds as well and excited to have the whole community of Aylmer included.

Aylmer Respite has only been in operation for one year but the labor of our committed community group is really starting to bear fruit. Families in the area are able to access centre based respite care in their own community for the first time instead of having to travel to a larger center for these services. Respite Care is one way of connecting families with services that will help them cope with the everyday challenges of caring for their family member. We continue to endeavor to demonstrate God’s love and foster a caring relationship with those in our service and the families that we are connected with through the work of Christian Horizons in this area.

This new but growing program is pleased to have Dave stopping by on Thursday, May 21st for a fundraising BBQ supper. Thanks for including our program in your walk through the district. Aylmer is just one of several respite homes that will benefit from this fundraising effort.

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Matt 9:35-38.

This calling that Dave has chosen to undertake shows what one of the “few workers” can accomplish. By donating his time to help programs like ours, Dave shows us that the Lord does indeed provide workers for the harvest. Our prayers will be with all of those who will be walking with Dave on this journey through the district.

I would like to personally thank the families of the individuals we serve, the Aylmer Respite Committee, the staff from the South District Programs of Elgin, Oxford, and London for equipping the staff for service at the Respite House in Aylmer, and all the community agencies we continuing to work with.

Submitted by Judy Kielstra Program Manager/Aylmer Respite Services

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