Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Some Important Advice

Thanks Scot for the timely advice!

For those of you that need a refresher, Scot is from the Runner Den in Port Dover. Scot, among other things like donating shoes and clothes to the dash, has also provided some great technical advice. This advice comes from his vast experience as a runner and fitness expert and his Passion to help others along the way!

Along with some nutritional info Scot told me this, as the start days draws near, he said "it's time to chill!`` Now he did add some great reasons why, that Chill pretty much sums it up. Thanks Again Scot.

Met with the organizing team yesterday, details are coming together nicely. We are still in need of a couple of pilot car drivers in the chatham Windsor area, so if you can help out with that, that would be great.

Tomorrow, I have the priviage of sharing some updates with the South District of CH, where this thing all started, I`m very excited at this is truly a passion of mine to share with them. and So many of the South district team members are volunteering their time and energy to take care of details (thanks everyone!) and Thanks to everyone that is outside of that district. It is truly amazing how people from all across this province have joined the cause.

Speaking of cause! the need is so overwhelmingly great. the needs of those with special needs, especially in the developing world is huge. these projects, training center, economic project and respite, I know are making a dent in how people live their lives in community and have hope for a bright future! A true investment, with lasting impact. Thanks for joining the cause!

have a great day!


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