325+ kms DONE! it feels really strange this morning thinking that I'm in Windsor and arrived by foot! I know many have done greater physical feats than this, but for me this was an Everest kind of task! And I know I can say the same for Amber!
There is kind of a mourning going on in us right now, it is hard to explain. This whole year of preparation and now the walking part is done.
Thank-you EVERYONE who sponsored this event, who participated in it, who shared the vision, who walked with us, who drove with us, who organized details, who shared it with others. Together we have raised an enormous amount of money for some great projects.
But more than that I believe we have encouraged our brothers and sisters who are ministering in some very difficult places and in very difficult situations.
We have raised awareness of the need that is before us for those who are marginalized because of their unique and exceptional needs.
We have inspired each other to be bold when responding to God's call on our lives.
We have show each other that it is never too late to get healthy and that that is a daily choice.
We have proved that we can do things we once thought impossible!
And we have proven that through SYNERGY - we really do accomplish more as a team than separate individuals.
I have had many many people ask about the next goal, next year, am I doing this again? I really don't know the answer to those questions. What I do know is -
* we need to keep walking every day, continue to live a life of sacrifice for others, continue to give of our hearts and our resources to those who so desperately need us as partners with them as they press on in life.
* I know that what ever we choose to do in the future to raise awareness and funds, I will be there! ( and I know I can say that for Amber and a lot of other people as well) As Amber put it so well on this journey. " this has been an 11 day party!" Yes, This was physically exhausting and has taken its toll on our bodies, but this was also FUN! A lot of FUN! just ask anyone who walked with, drove with, provided lunch Etc....
* I also know that the daily choices must keep on going. Just because the walk is technically done, does not mean the daily choice to do the right thing has stopped. It hasn't for you either! that must go on as well, I will continue to need to choose wisely each morning to get up, be active, eat right! I just am not able to tell myself that it's training for this crazy walk any more, I will have to find another way to help with that. Perhaps a goal of climbing a Volcano in Guatemala? - I will have to talk to my wife about that.

And finally - To Amber: I can't really describe how great it was to do this walk with you. I so appreciated getting to know you better with each step. Thank-you for responding to Gods Call, not just in this walk, but everyday! You truly are an amazing person! thank-you for your sacrifice, your vacation time, your money, Your feet (see blister pics in previous posts), your time with family... All of it! You are a true blessing! And yes this really was an 11 day Party!
+ It is never too late to support these great projects in Ontario, Guatemala and Ecuador!
Please continue to support at www.chglobal.org
A quote to reflect on
I guess that one of the most important things I've learned is
that nothing is ever completely bad. Even cancer. It has made me a better
person. It has given me courage and a sense of purpose I never had before.
But you don't have to do like I did...wait until you lose a leg or get
some awful disease, before you take the time to find out what kind of
stuff you're really made of. You can start now. Anybody can.
Terry Fox
(1958-1981, Canadian man (with an artificial right leg) who ran across Canada to raise money for cancer research in a journey called "Marathon of Hope"
As I was on my way home last night from Toronto and passing through Kitchener I thought of you both every single KM that clicked over in my van. It brings it to life when you are driving....and I was just reminded what an amazing thing you and Amber truly did. I can relate to the feeling of mourning....I am in mourning....and I did'nt even do the whole walk, I could'nt imagine how you both must feel.
I want you to know that you have changed me....all those hours of talking on the road while we were walking....everything you said to me without realizing you were saying it.....and with every step, you have changed me as a person....as a friend....as a co-owrker...as a support worker and maybe most importantly as a Christian. You have brought it to the table....everything I have ever done that questioned my integrity....to get out there and put your money where your mouth is...and I can't really go any further than that for fear of dripping tears in my keyboard....so I guess all I can say is Thank you.....Thank you.
Hi Dave just wanted to thank you so much for giving us an example of strength and perseverance and for your support for individuals with exceptional needs.
Here in Ecuador we have been following your walk and wanted to congratulate you!!
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