Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Finish Line is in Sight, but Not the END!

This is it. Today there will be at least a dozen of us walking the final kms to the finish line, That's right I said finish line. All 325+ kms will be completed. One year of training, one year of emails and blogging have all come to this day. It all seems so surreal in a way. Like a dream. Physically I can't believe we have accomplished this... But much much more than that I can't believe what else has been accomplish.

I'm amazed at
-how others, like you, got involved and helped to make this happen.
-how you stepped up to the plate and sacrifice your time for these projects
-how people came along side and walked this journey with us and encouraged us.
-we have raised so much money for these causes
-the new friendships and relationships built
-how we really can do BIG things if we commit our selves to it and are passionate about it
-how a walk like this can help a child in Guatemala, Ecuador or right here at home in ways we really find hard to grasp.

But it's really not over!

This walk may end today, And I'm really not sure about what this day is going to turn out to be like, so I don't know how much blogging I will get to do... But this walk is NOT OVER! While the distance goal will have been reached today, the BIGGER Goal is still before us.

To continue to run the race set before us, cast off the weights that slow us down.... What is that race. That Race is found in part in Proverbs 31

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."


Please support this walk by giving at

1 comment:

Blessed Woman aka Michelle Wright said...

How Great Is Our God!

I found myself singing this after reviewing the blog this morning, reflecting on His Goodness in the lives of Dave & Amber. I know this is so much more then them, I know it's for a cause - "Responding to the call to Serve". May God bless you and keep you, may He comfort your body & mind on this day and may the journey continue in the lives that will be serve. So grateful to have been part of this journey.