Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quotes (funny stories) from today

Ooops I forgot my anniversary. (Nina) Michelle to Nina - that doesn't surprise me.
Michelle I am just going behind a tree, can you call me back in 5 minutes? (Dave)
Something Michelle never thought she would hear from David Petkau - Michelle can you put my underwear in the dryer?
What did you buy when you went shopping? (being abandoned on the road with the rain)
I am JIGGY with that ... actually that was heard a lot along the way.
At the end of the day it is all good.
You will need your rain coats - please put them on! Marcella to the walkers
While talking to Dave on the phone all Marcella hears is - WATCH OUT FOR THAT BUS - and then silence - 30 seconds later Dave shared "Oh that wasn't for you."
As Marcella was getting ready to video tape, she was getting her spot by stepping off the curb all she hears (loudly) GET OFF THE ROAD!!!
Oh, no my wheel fell off. (Margo)

So many more things were said and then laughed at - the day was so great I am sure we will continue to edit, update and change these as wel remember how much we laughed.

1 comment:

Marcella said...

By the way, with the quotes there with the "watch out for that bus" and "get off the road" (I wish you could hear the emphasis in Dave's voice!!! So serious! - emphasize the word "that" when you read "that bus".

After some thought on the day, we came to a conclusion, or should I say, we recognized a theme from spending this much time with Dave. Some words that describe Dave's character from our adventures: watchful, overseeing, loyal, fervent, enthusiastic, and of course, devout.

To conclude, this is the final quote of the day, said by the drivers, as we enjoyed every moment of adventure & fellowship, with our one and only Dave:

"Always the Dad"